Monday, February 23, 2009

Real Cold and Windy

Got to work okay due to Jeep being automatic - couldn't have worked a shift with my pulled shoulder muscle - and the Advil I got at the gas station. Will have to get another bottle on the way to work tomorrow. I will have taken all 24 by then for sure. I'm okay as long as no one touches my upper arm or shoulder and I don't raise my arm at all, or try to lift anything. This has been a good conscientious-raising exercise in disability. Getting dressed this morning was awful. I quickly realized that if just started yelling OW-OW-OW-OW-OW until I was finished I could get through it easier. Poor doggies didn't know what to think. No more lifting heavy gas cans full of water. My job doesn't require any heavy lifting fortunately. It was good to see everybody at work. I complain a lot about getting there but once I'm there I like who I spend the day with. Storm blowing off the lake all day. Real cold. The faucet froze in the milk room while I was at work. Matt has to attach a hose to the well pump to get water for the sheep. Sheep will eat snow to an extent but goats don't like to and the bunnies need water in their cages. Will have to leave a drip on in the apt. tonight. I'm going to soak my shoulder in the bathtub, with hot water this time, and get to bed early, although sitting up feels the most comfortable. Wish I had some muscle relaxers/anti-inflammatories but the last time I called the orthopedic group in Hamilton they told me three months for an apt. This is not Morris County New Jersey with docs at every corner.

1 comment:

  1. HUGS honey!! Have you tried Aleve? We got some on our last trip down there and found it worked very well on pulled muscles.
    Hope you feel better soon!
    HUGs to all
    Kim and crew


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