Sunday, February 08, 2009

Windy Sunday Morning

What? Another post? Well, not really a post but some random thoughts...

Don't worry be happy. Don't worry be happy. Don't worry be happy. Easier said than done.

I bought eggs on the way home yesterday. Why am I buying eggs when I have all these chickens who are not laying? I should eat them but they are so cute and they eat the flies in the barn in the summertime.

Should I apply to the Chicago show where Jane Porter made $14,000? She says my products are good enough and bags like mine sell great there. She filled six boxes with knitted things, etc., and shipped them to Chicago then flew there. The boxes were placed in her booth and waiting for her. The booth fee is $2,500 and I don't have that kind of cash. Besides, could I make that kind of product while working full time and raising sheep? Don't think so. There is a counterpart to the Chicago show in NYC this December. Jane says I should come and check it out.

Mary is coming over to pick out sheep today. She wants to worm hers then seperate them and keep them here until they poop out all the worms. I don't know where in the heck we can put them. I'm happy for my sheep because Mary has a barn full of delicious hay and haylage courtesy of her devoted farmer boyfriend and all his hay making equipment. Some girls have all the luck. Candace is coming for her lambs tomorrow after work. She was supposed to come yesterday but didn't have her barn ready. It's cute to see her so excited about her first sheep.

I need to wash a mountain of dishes but it's much more fun to sit here and type away as I listen to the classy Sunday morning baroque music channel.

I have a bounty of gorgeous fabric to sew thanks to Carol Crayon Box. Everybody raved over the Crayon Box knitted/felted bag I brought to the studio yesterday. I still have some Jane Porter fabric purchased last summer. She told me yesterday there is still more if I need it. It was great to find out more about the fabric she has custom made for her by European mills. I didn't realize the fuzzy lining I was using is alpaca and mohair woven for her in France. Oh! That girl is sooooo cool!

Okay back down to earth and wash the dishes and start chores.

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