Monday, February 09, 2009

"Monday, Monday...

...sometimes it just turns out that way." (John Phillips of the Mamas and Papas). My Monday turned out okay but began with a fire. I was awakened in the wee hours by the fire alarm screaming in my bedroom. One of my candles had burned down and through the container and started my pine bed stand on fire. The flames were a foot high. The dogs were sleeping beside me and didn't make a sound - no barking to wake me up like the movies - but the alarm did it's job. I jumped up and started pounding on the flames with my hands. Don't know why I didn't throw a blanket on top of it, but I just didn't think. Matt came running in but went back to bed after voicing his opinion of me and my candles. I went back to bed but the room was filled with smoke and I didn't sleep very well. Cranky at school today.

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