Sunday, February 08, 2009

Windy But Mild

The doggies have gone back to bed on the sofa in front of the fire. Maybe I should, too, just because it's Sunday and I can. My internal alarm clock woke me up at 7 after a gloriously undisturbed night's sleep. I still have visions of the lovely time I had spinning yesterday at Jane Porter's. So glad there is such a classy place locally (well, in upstate NY 18 miles away is still local) where I could walk in and sit down on one of her comfy sofas and look at the vast library of fiber art books, or take out my knitting, or set up my wheel and feel perfectly at home. Hamilton Whole Foods where Candace works is just next door. I can get all kinds of neat stuff there including a curry tofu pita sandwich, handmade earrings, Suzanne Farrington's pottery, radical alternative lifestyle magazines and a sack of organic whole barley. A fantastic sushi restaurant is on the other side of Jane's and the Colgate Book Store is just down the block. Wealthy families from New Jersey gather up armfulls of books and sweatshirts and flash American Express Gold Cards, untouched by the economic depression. An afternoon like the one I had yesterday goes a long way to alleviating my SHEEP AND HAY anxiety and all the EVIL and ANGRY thoughts therein. I'm going to lie down for ten minutes, drink another cup of coffee then take the doggies out. I've got the fire built up so high the apt. is getting hot. The blast of cold air is very refreshing as the doggie brigade pulls me outside. The weather will be milder this week, no single digits. Good thing because I've started to get the angora off my bunnies. I'll fire up a dye pot today. Larry and Lester will be waiting for me to come out and I've got their bottles ready. Trouble is I can't feed bottles and hold dog leashes at the same time, and the lambs try to follow us outside. My life is a logistical nightmare so what else is new?

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