Saturday, February 07, 2009

Jane Porter's Studio

Jane Porter moved her studio across the square to a new space in Hamilton. It's absolutely fabulous. I was awestruck. High ceilings, studio lighting, wood floors, Asian carpets, plush sofas, and everywhere you turned there were shelves filled with gorgeous fibers, art books, yarn and toys. Jane had a buffet table heavy with cakes, cheese&crackers, wine, chocolates, punch and coffee. There were spinning wheels out to play with plus baskets of all different kinds of fibers to experiment with. There was a needle felting table, a drum carding table, a coffee table with big glossy books, and LIVE MUSIC!! I didn't want to leave. When I wasn't wandering around ooohhhing and aaahhhing I was sitting on the sofa spinning some of my own fiber I've had since last fall but had no time to play with. Candace and Susan Carr were there, my friends from the Farmer's Market and Earlville Opera House. I met some other people involved with the arts in Hamilton. Jane is very business savvy and is very generous with her advice. So glad I live close to H., it's an amazing town. Back to reality with Larry and Lester meeting me at the back door. Now that they are out of the pen they see me as one big walking udder and they are always hungry.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I'm sorry I missed it. I went to my grandparents house today. If she does it again I'll be sure to be there.

    And the Soap is wonderful! I'll surely buy some.



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