Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sliding down the other side of the hump to the weekend. This week feels like it went on forever due to everything going on at Total Drama School. Woke up before 5, think it was a kitty playing with my hair. Matt was getting up about that time anyway and maybe I was anticipating his leaving early. Anyway, I will pay today about 1 o'clock when I want to lie down on the floor and take a nap. Not very cold this morning but I lit the fire anyway. I made porridge (Cream O' Wheat) for Matt and the kitties, made lamb bottles, got the foamy coffee done and fixed his travel cup as usual. He's going to Otego, around Binghamton somewhere, to teach a "Lead Safe" course. This lead issue is very interesting. Lead poisoning leads to learning disabilities among other things and is rampant among the poor because they don't have the money to take care of their homes, or landlords don't bother because the tenants are poor. Okay, it's 6 am now and I want to go back to bed but I don't dare. I would wake up at 8:30 when I should be at work already. I'll recline in the bath tub, soak my shoulder (which is much better, thank you SHARON for the meds and the home made corn kernel heat pack - it's great!!) and wake up when the water gets cold. I hope.

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