Thursday, February 26, 2009

Taste of Spring

The temp soared to 50 F. here today. The sun pours into the windows of the wing I work in, giving a false sense of warmth outside at times. Today it was real. Bikini weather here in upstate New York. I got home and promptly fell asleep in the driveway when I turned the key off. Glad I stopped to get the NY Times on the way home. I love that paper. There are all kinds of human interest articles I enjoy. The Home section today had an interesting article on outdoor fireplaces, a great idea. We always have bonfires in the summer when Hannah and Luke are here. I would like to build a sturdy fire ring, perhaps with concrete and stone, and run a gas line to it. Sure would make it easier when I don't have the Young Ones to run around and gather wood. There was also a very informative article about toilet paper. Matt and I have a running dialogue about potty paper. He likes the softest variety, which, the NY Times explains, has to come from standing trees, not recycled paper. I argue that coarser paper does a better job of keeping you clean and remind him of the pre-toilet paper method of wiping - the corn cob! I never experienced the corn cob approach to hygiene, but I did travel to the wilds of northern Finland where the common paper offered for that purpose was an old Sears catalogue or telephone book. Matt shudders at the idea. I thought it worked just great. Anyway, now I know the paper I've been buying, Scott, manufactured by Kimberly Clark, is not a green toilet paper and is sometimes made from old growth American forests. OH! What have I done??? Marcal is 100% recycled and has just come back from near-bankruptcy. I'll have to buy some tomorrow and listen for moans and groans coming from the Thunderbox when Matt does his business.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Oh, My Hiney hurts already just thinking about it... MJR


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