Thursday, February 05, 2009

Very Cold

Woke up at 3 and built the fire back up before heading back to the safety of the down comforter. The doggies earned their keep and kept the bed warm 'til my return. I keep candles burning on my bedside table. I love the glow they give the room. When I got up for good and got the dogs outside I saw the thermometer - minus 12 F. Continued on and saw the outside thermometer on the milk room wall - minus TWENTY!! Could that be right? I looked at the crystalized ice designs on the windows and figured, yes, it could be right. Even the dogs were anxious to do their business and get back inside. Good thing I put the drip on last night. The Jeep turned over and I got to work. The temp soared to 9 F. in Brookfield today. Better rush home and check for frozen pipes, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maggie-
    Hope you are staying warm by the fire....we get the same weather as you for the most part up here. Just a day later.Supposed to be -20 tonight. Thank God warmer weather is on its way for the weekend!


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