Thursday, February 05, 2009

Lilly Escaped

When I was going down the line of bunny cages tonight, Lilly couldn't wait. I save a little bit of rabbit pellets for her snack (she already has corn but Lilly LOVES rabbit pellets) when I'm done. Tonight, I was dawdling a little 'cause I was tired and toting warm water all over the barn was making me more tired, so I took a little longer to get to the bunnies. As I was going past her pen where she lives with Larry and Lester, she leaped over the boundary and chased after me for her rabbit pellets. I could hardly get finished with the rabbits for her pestering me. Finally I put the bucket down and got out of the way while the stampede came. Larry and Lester were yelling like crazy for their mother, who was no longer with them in the pen. I was bushed, and decided that if Lilly jumped out, then she could jump back in. I adore Lilly. She and Baby Thunder have VIS (very important sheep) status...but I wanted to get back inside the apt., which was now about a hundred degrees. Going from real cold to real hot makes me very sleepy. It's not good for getting things done, let me tell you. I am headed for night-night land.


  1. Found another BFL Fiber blog:

    Beautiful pictures in your last few posts, as always. I made my fist lamb sweater, started a second. Congrats on all your babies. How much does one of your ram lambs cost? Do you ever lease one for a breeding season? My lambs aren't even here yet and I am already thinking about next breeding season...

  2. What a handsome family :) Sounds like Lilly knows she's special!



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