Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Bitter Again

The temps are going down again. I knew the 30's couldn't last. My hands hurt when I did chores tonight. It's hard to wear gloves while watering and dishing out rabbit feed. Must be single digits. Spring is on the way, but we've got a while to wait. The crescent moon is waxing and Venus is blazing in all her glory, all by herself in the western sky. It's too cold to do any planet watching tonight. I had a nice call from Jane Porter, the textile artist with the studio in Hamilton. She wanted to tell me about the spinning gathering on Saturday, which I already planned on attending, and compliment me on my online Etsy store. Etsy is a site specifically designed to sell hand-made things. Much to my surprise, she is hosting a Central New York Etsy artists meeting on Sunday. She gave me some hints on displaying my wares, and thinks I would do better selling internationally as the dollar is stronger abroad. Sounds good to me.

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