Saturday, February 07, 2009

Slightly Annoying

The kitties turned their noses up at the warm, buttery oatmeal I made for them this morning. Truth be told, they prefer the cheapest gnarliest dry cat food to the soupy goodness I offer them. Here I am, climbing the hay mow ladder with a warm, slimy pot of oatmeal in one hand and hanging on for dear life with another...they sniff it and look at me like what's going on? Where's the mutton? Well, the mutton is gone and we're back to dry cat food, except when I run out like last night. They are barn cats, and surely they can find some little furry creature to eat. They've driven the pidgeons out of the barn and the tops of the silos, where I never thought the kitties could go. I guess the birds have to come down and eat sometimes and that's when the cats strike. I was an avid bird watcher for years and years when I lived in a development in NJ. I had families of cardinals, finches, etc., and would fight with neighbors when they would bring in trucks to spray their yards with insecticides for fear the mist would float into my yard and harm my birds. Oh, I could tell you stories about neighbors. I plan on writing a book someday called "Rolling Hill Drive," the name of my street. But here we are on the farm and I need the kitties to keep the rats away...I wish they appreciated my oatmeal!

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