Thursday, January 08, 2009

Thursday AM

Icy, snowy, dark and dreary this morning. Up at 5, checked the clock, then dove back in with the doggies, reluctant to face the day. If you told me 20 years ago that I would be venturing out on days like this to travel long distances to a job, well, I don't know what I would have done. I like to think I would have done something differently to make my life easier at this stage of the game. Now I'm looking at another 20 years to retire. Gotta deal. Lucky I work in a building that is very bright and cheery with many smiling faces. It really helps. Have to get out to the barn and give Larry and Lester their bottles. It's time for tail docking and banding their scrotums. It's bloodless castration. Now they will grow into big friendly bullies, pushing the girls away from their food, but loving the sight of me because I brought them their bottles when they were babies. I hate to let them out of their pens because lambs are so fragile and things happen to them no matter what I do. Matt left early. He is teaching a Lead-Safe class at the weatherization training center today, first time and he's nervous. He was getting ready to teach at a county college but they found out he does not have a college degree and said they can't have him teach. So Matt wants to go to college now. I told him to go for it, but take one class to see how it goes. So glad I got it over with before I left NJ.

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