Wednesday, January 07, 2009

It's the Little Things

What a gift a snow day of the great perks of the education system. I just love it, love it, love it. Just got dressed at 2 PM. I love to wander around the barn in my jammies, easy to do since I live IN the barn. After two mugs of foamy coffee with Annie's world class biscotti, I climbed the ladder to the hay mow to throw down hay. I am still not used to the wonder of it. This giant structure with ceilings to the sky. I close my eyes and I could be in a Viking long house, with all the old beams and hay on the floor. The thick ropes and pulleys they used to bring bales in from the wagons are still hanging from the ceiling. I opened the door to the grain room and found a pile of fleeces from the last shearing I need to sort through, and soon if I am going to do anything with them for Md. Sheep and Wool. I spent a lot of time feeding everybody, staring in wonder at the beauty of them all. The babies associate me with their bottles now, and rush to the fence to talk to me. While I was going back and forth carrying water in my Tidy Cat Kitty Litter containers - just the right size for me - I noticed the water in the sink went down. It's a balmy 34 outside, so I guess it was ice clogging the line afterall. I am wrapping soap and watching bits of movies. I forgot what a good movie Jaws is...with baby faced Richard Dreyfuss and a very buffed Roy Schieder. Funny how they could make a scary, exciting movie with men screaming in terror at each other with not a single F word!! I could watch this movie with my grandkids!! I saw the Jaws shark machine at Universal Studios, years after I first saw the movie and I was scared to put one toe in the ocean. Mia and AJ were four months old when we went to Bermuda for the weekend. Jaws had recently come out, terrifying the world. I stood on a beautiful beach saying to myself, nah, I can't do this. When I saw the machine I thought, what a ninny I was...but the movies is still scary! I carried in a roll of nice plaid upholstery fabric from the Tractor Shed. That building is slowly yielding up it's treasures. I used this fabric for Mia's room in Morristown. It matched her Field Hockey uniform kilt, so I did her room with it. She had a papasan chair, wicker chaise lounge, curtains, etc. out of this fabric, so it really brings me back. I think there's enough for 5 or 6 bags if I'm lucky. I also found the rest of my mother's sterling silver flatware - Strasbourg by Gorham. Now I have 8 settings of butter knives, soup spoons, tea spoons, big serving spoons and forks and even two sugar spoons for my hand thrown sugar bowl! Why not use it, even in my barn apartment. My mother loved to entertain and could lay out a gorgeous table. I'm going to wrap some more soap, cut out bags and maybe even sweep the, let's not do that. Today is too special for that.

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