Friday, January 09, 2009

Friday Cold and Snowy

Matt picked AJ up at the Utica train station last night and brought him home for a visit. The doggies were ecstatic, especially Holly. She must remember AJ picking her out of the litter of homeless abandoned puppies at the Norwich ASPCA, and bringing her home to the farm. I was living in the RV at the time and the last thing I needed was another dog, but AJ and Mia thought Holly was the perfect Christmas gift. The other dogs would torment her and get her behind the little plastic toilet in the trailer and keep her there, shivering and whining. Now Holly slaps the other dogs down with one paw and stands over them, growling a deep throaty threatening snarl. She's the boss now, but still a sissy when butted by a goat or sheep. AJ took us to Frank's Pizzeria last night, courtesy of the GI Bill, and it was delicious. Nobody makes eggplant parm like Frank, not even in NJ. We motored home in the snow and got to chores. It was wonderful having AJ hauling the heavy gerry cans of water to the end of the barn. Matt will only haul one can ("they can eat snow!") but AJ took three down for me. My Merino ram, Othello, loves his water and waits for me to bring it every night. I was off to work on icy roads this morning, but the sun is out now and the drive home should be okay. I will cook dinner tonight, then chill at home. AJ will help us pick up hay tomorrow then we have plans for Panera and Barnes/Noble. He just got clearance for the second session of Army Chaplain training this summer at Fort Jackson, SC. One more year of seminary then the Army can send him anywhere they want. I want to spend as much time with him as I can. AJ loves the Army, and says he makes the greatest friends he's ever had - but then may never see them again!

1 comment:

  1. i'm jealous!! i hope that you guys had fun!! i miss you all! aj was so sweet when he was here!


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