Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Oh, Lovely

The pipe outside of the milk room froze and the washing machine backed up into the sink. I can't finish my laundry, so no clean pants today. Have to dig through my favorite pile. That sink is where I mix my pig slop, so Maggie is not happy. Larry and Lester taking their bottles nicely. Oh, those dainty little mouths sucking in the nourishment. I mix three times a day and feed them four times. The last feeding I do around 11. The breakfast feeding has to last all day if I go to work. Larry and Lester have their mother's sweet, calm personality. Levi is smaller than either twin, and is more feisty. When he sees me coming with the bottles for the twins, he jumps up and grabs his own mother's teat. Good boy! I love that little "waaahhh, waaahhh" lamb sound...just like a human baby. I'm a mommy all over again! Ice storm going on, every district that sends to our school is closed except one, which means I still have to go in. Oh, joy, 25 miles of slip sliding away. Wait!! We're closed!! Yippee!! Now to get the fire going and get out to the babies...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the closing! Hope you're able to get the pipe unfrozen for clean pants. Enjoy your day with the animals.


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