Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Tuesday AM

Still too early in the week to see Friday coming around the corner. So cold in the barn - 2F. on the milk room steps. I pulled a bulky sweater over my flannel jammies to take the dogs out and do chores. Felt good but bad idea. I got my sleeve caught on a goat horn and we went round and round before I could get us unhooked. Got caught on a fence panel and the chicken room door before I was done. Have to tote hot water around to moms in pens, and fill the new, smaller water bucket. I emptied the stock tanks and filled them with hay - working great and sheep can munch on hay longer through the day without hay getting stomped on. I have to fill the small water tank many times during the day but water stays cleaner and I don't have to hook up a hose to fill it, or worry about lambs drowning. Hope there is hot water. With our funky electric I can't run washer and dryer at the same time. Had to turn off hot water heater to put my clothes in the dryer this morning. I probably used most of the hot water in the barn, and then Matt took a bath...oh, well, I shouldn't wash my hair then go out wet in 2 degrees anyway. Bad weather coming tonight and tomorrow.

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