Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Let's Celebrate, America!

We're saved! Once Obama won Pennsylvania I started nodding off. I knew I would wake up to a new world, and, at 3 PM that's just what I did. I've been high all day. Nothing could take away this feeling of hope and optimism. When I think of the last two elections and the snotty Republican Neo-cons in their suits and evangelicals with their holier-than-thou attitudes I am even more jubilant at Obama's success. We can go abroad and hold our heads up high. We can bring home the troops and fortify our own cities and borders. We can invest in education and industry in this country. We can restore civil liberties and begin to conserve energy instead of building more drilling platforms. No Dick Cheney slinking around profiting from the blood of American soldiers. It goes on and on. There won't be any Katrinas or Monicas in this White House. Obama is a straight shooter and will appoint the right people to do what needs to be done. How else did he get himself elected against all odds, and with the middle name of Hussein to boot? Roe vs. Wade is safe, and we can at least hope for some kind of nationalized health care so farmers can farm and artists can paint, etc. When I think of the Georgia blacks who had to have their pop corn passed out to them on the street and go back to the balcony through a seperate entrance because they were not allowed to step foot in the lobby of the Pastime Theater, I could just cry. This is beyond extraordinary. Good luck, and God Bless You, Barack Obama. Happy Birthday America! This is the birth of a new era - Pax Americana!

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