Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Vote Early, Vote Often

Woke up at five then laid back down. Got back up, took doggies out, gulped some coffee and jumped in the truck. Got to the little cinder-block town hall by 6:15 and checked in with a line forming behind us. The voting ladies were a trip. One studied the card I got in the mail and brought with me for ID. She said, How long have you lived in Brookfield? and Where exactly do you live? After I explained, she told me she is on the rescue squad and likes to know where everybody lives. Sounds good to me! We voted and started home. Matt admitted he crossed party lines to vote democratic. You see, we are a mixed marriage. He's a registered Republican and I try not to hold it against him. Today is my brother's birthday. He is the crying baby in the previous posts' picture. Let's hope Dingy's (he loved the sound of the train bell) birthday brings us a new beginning where we can climb up out of this horrible slump we are in.


  1. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I love the picture of your kittie. She looks just right with the snow and all.

  2. Here's hoping all goes well and you guys get a good president who can govern positively!!
    And holy cow whats with the snow???? I was outside in a T-shirt today rakeing the last of the leaves.
    HUGS to all
    Kim and crew


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