Thursday, November 06, 2008

Back Down to Earth

Okay, that's enough with the political stuff for now. Let's sit back and hope for the best from our new government. I attended a staff development workshop entitled, "Issues of Diversity" today. The moderator didn't want to use the word "racism" in the title or nobody would register, she thought. The teachers, counselors and social workers were all excited about Barack's election, which was refreshing. So nice to be with like-minded people. When we got into the gist of the meeting I was reminded why it's so important for people of color to have one of their own as a national figure. We heard many discouraging statistics and watched part of a documentary on black women giving birth to low birth weight babies. Two neonatologists wanted to know why so many of their black patients were born in such fragile condition. They launched a study that showed how, compared to black African women, American blacks gave birth to premature infants no matter what they did during pregnancy. Highlighted in the documentary was a black lawyer who received all the prenatal care possible, ate well, was drug and alcohol free, took vitamins, exercised, had a supportive husband, etc., but still gave birth almost three months prematurely and lost her daughter. All it takes is one generation in the US to set them up for this tragedy. The lack of a positive self-image and racial identity contributes to this condition. So sad...Let's hope Barack's election helps. Came home to the critters and some very needy doggies. It's warm and muggy. Cut out two bags after I walked them and made some phone calls. I talked to my brother, Mark, in Boston, who told me my niece, Emma Rose, has some crocheted things posted on her Etsy store. I took a look and was really impressed. I haven't seem my nieces in TEN YEARS - a source of great frustration to me. Long story. Anyway, her lovely and very affordable things are available at I'm going to send her some yarn to see what she does with it.

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