Friday, November 21, 2008


I got out of the Troublesome Boys workshop (very interesting but nothing I didn't know - boys are trouble!) and went to the Salvation Army thrift shop. It was gray and snowy, and I would rather have been headed home. I was all ready to be depressed about shopping there, but a group of college kids were busy putting together all kinds of outfits and having a ball. One beautiful, blonde girl was roller blading up and down the aisles - reminded me of my Mia and how much fun she must have had when she was at UVM. They were trying on clothes, laughing and fooling around. Their behavior gave me a lift. What I saw in the mirror of the dressing room was definitely a downer. I tried on a few beautiful pants suits (no dresses other than wedding gowns!)and nothing fit. My middle is a real problem. I've already started a push-up regimen. Married life has not agreed with me physically. To think I was so skinny and beautiful, but terribly lonely, ten years ago. I found a man to cook for and - look out! I kept looking and found a cute outfit for Hannah - a red plaid kilt and a denim vest with cute brass buttons and closures. I finally found a neat Liz Claiborne tan, brown, and orange tweed jacket, the size I won't tell you, a beige blouse and a brown skirt. I was a little strung out by then and don't know how they will all look together. I might have to make myself a long skirt tomorrow. It was snowing hard and I had to get on to the Earlville Opera House over covered roads and slow, heavy traffic. Got my bags tagged, inventoried and hung up. There were lovely artists goods all over the place. Made my way home after stopping for Chinese in Sherburne. Route 80 was icy and treacherous over the mountain. I finally pulled in and greeted the doggies, kitties, goaties, bunnies,sheep and chickens. All the water frozen. I wanted to sew tonight but after Chinese and chores I am done in. The wood stove makes the apartment an oven and when I'm tired the heat makes me very drowsy. Candace is coming tomorrow to look over the place and find out what needs to be done when I'm gone to the wedding. Matt picked up hay today and is getting more tomorrow. He's not happy with it and wants to buy hay somewhere else. This first cut hay is loaded with alfafa sticks and make sounds like pretzels when the sheep chew. They love it and I pray it's nutritious. Matt is going to help the people who promised they would give me all the hay I needed to get through the winter. Promises, promises.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog awhile ago by accident, because a friend's blog has the same name. ANyway, love your blog, and especially your pictures of the animals. Can relate to so much that you write as we own 200 acres in NH to which we may eventually retire,where I want to keep Toggenburg goats, chickens etc. Right now all we have there is tree farm, blueberries, blackberries, black bears and coyotes.
    Because my teen boy has PDD I must stick w a job for the sake of health insurance awhiles longer tho. He is lucky to have a great and appropriate scholl here and we ahve a wonderful church. Anyway, thanks for the wonderful pictures and writing.


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