Saturday, November 22, 2008

10 F.

Okay, now it's cold. Woke up at 5 with my beeswax candles making an eery glow in the room. I have to have some kind of fire nearby when I sleep, and the jar candles I make are perfect. I lie in bed for a while, stroking doggies, whispering in their ears, and trying to sort out my day. The wood stove was out and it took a bit of doing to get it going. Matt uses a torch, but I prefer kindling. Fortunately there was a little bit left on the hearth. The apartment is a wreck, as it usually is at the end of the work week. When my work room is done the fabric and cutting table will be out there. When someone comes Matt is apologizing for my mess, but he likes it when someone writes a check for $100 to buy a bag. I forced myself to lie on the sofa for a while, flipping through movies and news programs, waiting for the stove to heat up the apt. I know the doggies can only wait so long. If I don't make too much of a fuss I can get them to bed back down for a while. I drank coffee, and pulled on my ski underwear under my "new" LL Bean flannel purchased yesterday at the Salvation Army. I've wanted this gown for a couple of years, but it's $50 - for a nightie! - not including postage, and here I am wearing it for $5. It's a little small, but I can deal with it. Leashes on and here we go, exploding out the three doors to get outside. There's the thermometer - 10 F., not even Thanksgiving yet! Soft snow, the moon and pink dawn, I love it. Baby roosters are crowing at the sound of us. They are so funny when they are finding their voices, like a boy whose voice is changing, scratchy and uneven. I hurry the doggies as I'm not used to this kind of cold, but they need time to do their business. On the way back in through the milk room and outer barn (still waiting for the gas pipe to be removed from blocking my "front" door - but we won't go there) I notice the teenaged chicks roosting all over the angora goats. That mohair must feel so good to those cold chicken feet. Back inside I notice the stove is melting the ice off the windows. I'm going to spin some angora for an order I have for two doggie coats. One for a Yorkie and one for a mini dachsund. How precious!! I'll spin for a half hour, then get to making creme. Have to get to the feed mill by noon.


  1. Wow, look at the snow! It's beautiful! Oh, but frozen water and icy toes...winter. I miss the season but not shoveling the waist-high drifts from my driveway. I don't miss that part.

  2. HUGS Honey!!
    Anything we can send fromt he Great green north?? We have no snow as yet but its coming soon. Java is terrified of it -can't wait to see what she does when it stays LOL.


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