Friday, November 21, 2008

More Snow

Seems to be cold and snowy up and down the eastern seaboard. The lovely, soft Lake Effect has been coming down all night, but only a couple of inches of accumulation. Misty new moon peeking through the clouds and a pinkish sky showing over the ridge behind us. I got up and wiggled out from my doggie sandwich to put another log on the wood stove. Happy to see the fire still burning this morning. Feel better about the purchase of this stove. With the additional stove pipe section on the chimney it is drawing much better. With the propane gas tank full for cooking and the wood stove operational we should be okay if the power goes out. The State made us take all the hay away from above us so there is no insulation to keep the heat in. Not a good situation. The White Boys barked all night. I don't know if it's coyotes on the move or deer running from hunters. Have to get going on chores. I'm attending a conference in Support Services entitled The Trouble With Boys. Should be interesting. I'm going to the Salvation Army thrift shop in Norwich after work to see if I can get a decent dress for Lisa's wedding - fingers crossed. I have to take bags over to the Earlville Opera House to check them in to the sale after that. Long day...

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