Monday, November 24, 2008

A Heavenly Affair

Lisa's wedding was perfectly beautiful from start to finish. The weather was sunny and cold, and everyone was quivering with happiness for the bride and her man. Candace came to watch the farm, Matt and I somehow got off on time and changed in Mia's apartment, a half mile from the church. I got an aisle seat and got some good pictures of the ceremony. The bridesmaids were breathtakingly beautiful, and Lisa was exquisitely prepared by her Maid of Honor, my Mia. I gasped when I saw Mia come in, followed by Lisa in that gown that could have been designed for her alone. Regi and his men were dressed in traditional Filipino wedding clothes. After the ceremony AJ, Matt and I drank coffee in Greenberry's on the square by the church before motoring to the Basking Ridge Country Club for the reception.

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