Thursday, August 14, 2008

It Just Doesn't Stop

Storms rolled in yesterday afternoon and it poured rain off and on for a few hours. Thinking it was over, and with the moon showing, I thought I put dyed wool out to dry in the next day's sun. Not a good idea. Another storm came in and more torrential rain during the night. Today dawned cloudy and damp, although the sun is supposed to come out. The wool will get dry eventually. The hill run off from all this water has pooled behind the barn where the sheep come in making it difficult for them to get in and out. There is a concrete deck under all the mud, but it's still tough going for them. Matt is not a happy camper. He told me this morning it's either him or the sheep. I thought I could make a farmer out of this city boy but it's not working. He would be much happier in a condo on the beach with his windsurfing board right outside the front door ready to go. What did I do to him?

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