Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Little Sidekick

Izzy follows me wherever I go. He is a bundle of energy and never seems to tire...but once in a while I put him to sleep. When Izzy gives up I know it's time to sit down and rest a little myself. That's one thing I like about sewing and posting to my blog - I get to sit down a bit. Between picking fleeces and cutting up soap, toting water to the ram's pen, feed and water to chickens and bunnies, doctoring kitten eyes, etc., I am pooped. I found a little wether lamb in the hay mow lying flat on his side. That's not a good sign. I remember seeing him peeking down to the lower barn on Sunday. Could he have stayed in the upper barn for three days, with no water, afraid to come out for fear of Thor, or just lost in the expansive mow? I got him up, made him drink honey and water, gave him some cracked corn and carried him outside. After a few minutes he started to graze on green grass and I knew he was alright. I better go check - he might have wandered back in. Sheep are creatures of habit, even bad habits.

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