Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dry Wool While the Sun Shines

Got the wet wool fluffed up and added more to the drying rack. I redyed the lime green with emerald and got this lovely variegated color. Won't that make pretty yarn. Jan and Dave stopped by to check on the progress of their barn home. They are headed for Detroit to pick up Dave's dad's old pick-up to use on their soon-to-be-hay farm and participate in a famous Detroit "cruising" festival. If we have many more years like this with wet summers there won't be much hay produced in Central New York. This is the third wet summer. With the drought in the southeast and the floods in the northeast, farmers and their livestock are in deep doo-doo (or mud).

1 comment:

  1. Love the verigated green :)
    Is Izzy on fibre guard duty? He looks very happy laying out at Maggies Farm. Hard to believe he's quiet that long.


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