Sunday, June 08, 2008

Kudos Big Brown

No wonder he didn't want to run. So hot and humid, yet they wanted him to run full tilt, whip on his back. He fooled them all and didn't even try. I would have sat down in the middle of the track, and I would be the first one on the truck to the slaughterhouse that day. Thoroughbred horse racing ranks right up there with dog fighting as far as I'm concerned. Just think, if we ate dog in this country that football player wouldn't have to kill his own dogs who were unwilling to fight - he could have sent them off to slaughter just like race horses who are injured or don't perform. Those immature and slender bones break and there's all this publicity about the brave horse that died trying to win when those who buy tickets are the real killers. I am not a Nascar fan but come on, at least cars don't feel pain when they are abused or ruined. They are used for parts and parked in the junk yard. I adore horses and want to rescue some when I have enough hay to feed them. So many horses in NY and NJ. Americans just love to breed horses. In NY State I have to make $10,000 a year on my farm products to be considered a viable farm - horse breeders only have to make $5,000. Hmmmm. The Humane Society says 92 percent of horses sent to slaughter are sound and fine, not old and lame like supporters would like you to think. There is a bill before Congress to prohibit the export of American horse meat for foreign markets. It will be tough going - there's a lot of money tied up in US horse slaughter facilities and the owners are politically well-connected. Three in Texas have been closed down. Fine with me. Who's my congressional representative? I have to find out and call her to check on that bill.

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