Sunday, June 08, 2008

Steam Bath

With all the windows closed to keep the cool night air in, and fans blowing everywhere, the apt. is actually quite comfortable. It will heat up as the day goes on. Too hot to do too much, but we got the apt. floors swept and mopped with Murphy's oil soap. It's great for that doggie odor and leaves a nice scent. Now I can walk across it without my feet getting crusty and black. Hey, I can't hold down a job, raise all these critters, cook for a man, make beautiful things to sell, and be a good housekeeper too! "The creative mind is seldom a tidy place." I got a few bags cut out - something I can do with a fan blowing directly on me. I heard some fireworks going off and a group of goats who were foraging in the way back came running back to their barn yard. One baby got left behind. I heard her tiny voice way up on the ridge with Mom doing her long-distance goat mother scream back at her. Mom wasn't budging and the baby didn't sound like she was getting any closer. I went inside, got my boots, shepherd's crook, sprayed Deep Woods Off all over me, and set out with Izzy and Holly to get her. I had hardly gotten started when there was a little black dot racing through the brush. Baby had decided to listen to mom and come along. I got ahold of one of the Goatie Boys (it was either Nils or Lars but I forget who is who now) last night and got his coat clipped off on the shearing stand. I was drenched by the end of it, and he was feisty, but he was having a wonderful time itching those spots he couldn't get to. A large glass of ice and rosy Zinfandel helped get me through it. I found out the little store at the end of my road sells it - uh-oh, I'm in trouble.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    So glad the little one finally decided Mom was talking a good story and came down by itself! That would have been a nasty time chasing the goatie down even with the help of Izzy and Hollie! And now that you know the store has the good stuff ..... Well, lets just say "it's a good thing" even though you might think you're in trouble. Just remember, wine is grapes with a little smile and giggle!

  2. What I wouldn't give for a small glass of white Zinfandel! Not to be found here...only too-sweet rosè. The most drinkable is Gallo California Rosè...a wine I wouldn't have chosen while in the US, but now it's one of the better I can find here. Hmmm.

    A big hug to Sombra!


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