Saturday, June 07, 2008

Bye, Hillary

Okay, okay, I am trying to be a big girl about it. She gave her all and should be applauded for an incredible effort. I couldn't do it. What a beautiful, intelligent and capable woman. I would feel much better with her on the red phone in the wee hours of the morning. I told my kids years ago a black man or a Jew would be President before a woman. Sadly, it's true. I will support my party and, what's his name? - Obama. If he is smart he would take Hillary as VP. That would guarantee him the Presidency. Without her, maybe not. It would be tough. I think Michelle Obama would keep Hillary in check as VP, and keep Bill out of the oval office. Then 8 years later...I can fantasize, can't I? Obama got a lot of people registered, but will they come out and vote when they are supposed to? We'll see. I remember Jesse Jackson saying that if all the registered black voters had voted for him he would be president. They didn't come out. Will all those young people get off the internet and come out to vote? We'll know soon enough. I just listened to her concession speech which confirmed my faith in her talents and abilities. Oh, what a grievous loss. Let me go lick my wounds and wander through my flock. The sheep always make me feel better.


  1. I am with you about being disappointed about Hillary. How sad is it that they take and untested, unknown man over her. My mother and I both wanted her to win so badly. Thanks for the note about Rocky. We still miss him but at least he's not suffering.

  2. I was disappointed IN Hillary, not in her losing the nomination. She seemed willing to do or say anything to get nominated, starting with her vote for the war and ending with her going all civil rights on the votes from Michigan and FL after agreeing early on that they shouldn't count.

    Having a woman in the white house would be wonderful... but I'm going to wait until I can vote for a woman who doesn't play the same cynical political games the boys do.


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