Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bye, Tim

I enjoyed Tim Russert when he moderated Meet the Press and during election coverage. He got away with asking high-profile people very pointed, nervy questions. When he announced Hillary was finished, I believed him. Tim was a year older than myself. The news this morning says he had an enlarged heart and was on medication and an exercise he knew he had a problem. Still - it's a shock to everyone that someone so vibrant can die so young. Mia tells me stories of young people coming into her ward with various types of strokes and they all have one thing in common - high cholesterol. Better get mine checked. Speaking of Mia, I was missing her so much the other night I put together a little bag for her. She had admired the fabric last time she was here and picked out a lining I would never thought of. I whipped it up and sewed on the faux wooden circular handles Gretchen had given me last year. Mia called this morning to say she loves it and has received many compliments after using it only one day. I would have taken a picture but my camera is lost - very upsetting to me as I see pictures everywhere I look. If I can't find it I'll have to pick up another one cheap. Can't be without a camera!! Matt is back from his energy conference, so happy not to have to be friendly and chatty with people. He had a terrific time and says his presentation went well, although attendance was lower than hoped. Apparently the green energy industry is filled with fun-filled people who like to stay up late (the bars in the hotel closed at 4 am). Matt's talk took place at 8 am, need I say more? I'm making home-made potato salad. Hope I have some "light" mayonaisse!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Dave and I are still in shock! How can someone like him, a genuine, loving, intelligent individual just be gone so quickly? Politics has lost an honest reporter and spokesperson for the real news.

    Glad Mia likes her purse and that Matt is home safe and sound.


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