Friday, June 13, 2008

Beastie Boy Back

Matt is coming home from his energy conference in Lake George today. No more shredded wheat, honeydew melon and blueberries for dinner. He called last night to say how tired he is from all the meetings, food and talks. Their carbon footprint must be enormous, but he tells me they buy carbon points to make up for what they use at the conference. Just when he was whining about how nobody will come to his talk at 8 am this morning because most of the participants will be hung over, someone holding a wine bottle and wearing a tie-dyed tee shirt wandered into his hotel room. I told him to go party hearty because we have a LOT of work to do when he comes home. I got the sheep into the barnyard before I went to bed last night and locked the gate. They are waiting to be let out but I'm keeping them in 'til I get home from work. The lambs can nurse from their moms, who will be very cranky by 4 this afternoon. I have a couple of runty lambs (Sugar and Spice) and kids who are loose in the barn with the kitties and chickens. I give them cracked corn whenever I can. Their moms didn't get enough food when they were pregnant and I fear these little ones will never grow up right. I'm trying to put the winter behind me and pray I get enough hay in the barn this summer. In the meantime, off to work where the year is winding down and the last thing the students want to do is focus on exam prep.

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