Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sunset With Chris

Chris and I watched the beautiful sunset together. Jasper lay down next to my chair. Chris cozied up to him, too. What a lovely scene, with a pink pastel light show before us. Sheep grazing on the hill behind me, doggies yipping, my llama almost close enough to touch (rarely does he come this close - he's a real snob to humans). When the sun disappeared I went back in the barn to do night-time chores. I have three cages with chicks to take care of, with lambs, kitties and rabbits to feed, water tanks to fill. I don't mind because that's the time I spend with my critters. Earlier in the heat of the day I picked lettuce with Sister Grace. She is rather incapacitated by her dialysis and the garden is much smaller this year. The sun was so hot and the air so humid I had to quit in about a half hour, but Sister was fine. Sister says she prays for me all the time. That's good - I need all the help I can get. I picked an armfull of weeds for my chickens and brought home a big bag of leaf lettuce which I gave Matt for dinner tonight, along with delicious home-made red potato salad. OH, it was so good. I'm watching the Naked Archaeologist. What fantastic travel footage of Israel and the Middle East, with all the important Biblical sites. I spent a month in Israel in 1982, but didn't see nearly as much as I have watching this show. Most of the important places I saw were covered up with giant, ornate churches meant to honor what happened there, but it kind of takes away the raw beauty of the place. This guy crawls into caves and tries to figure out what route Moses took on the Exodus, or where Mount Sinai is, or where John did his baptisms, on and on. So cool. Last night I watched Cesar Millan work his magic on lots of psycho doggies and their owners. My supervisor at school recommended his show to me. She likes his style and we both think some of his methods can be applied to students! (Confidence, positive energy, structure, etc.) I know, I know, I watch a lot of TV - but I don't get out a much and my doggies don't mind. I can sew or spin in front of the Tube, or just pile on the sofa with them...and I'm not spending $4.20 a gallon on gas to get there.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Oh my! What lovely pictures of the sunset! Did you find your camera? Where?

    And Chris coming so close .... how exciting and what a joy! Wish I'd been there to experience the moment.


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