Saturday, June 07, 2008

Too Hot

Had a terrible night, tossing and turning, worried about a variety of things. Jackie, Old Very Fat Beagle, needs his water in the middle of the night and I had forgotten to put his bowl in the bedroom. Around 3:30 he barked and barked and banged on the bedroom door to get out and get to the water. I got up, let him out, then had to do the same to let him back in a little later. Left the bedroom door open, big mistake, lots of dogs on the bed. It was finally dawn and I drifted off. Woke up at 7!! and felt the steamy heat already rising. A dull throbbing headache was coming on. No go on the farmer's market. I don't have an umbrella and the pop-up is a b---- to put up. I would be melted goo after unloading and setting up, and the people might not come anyway. When people asked me if I would be there every week, I told them maybe not. I could be at home sewing bags or spinning wool with a fan on me, making product for the fall shows. I can see myself saving the market for the several big events over the summer, like July 4th and the music events. Still a good thing. I do miss seeing my friend Candy who is doing production spinning for me now. Can't wait to see what she's done with the wool I gave her. Speaking of wool - the sheep are lying low in the barn. Too hot for them to go out. I put a fan on the chickens. It's weird to see sheep panting. The sheep who we had not gotten back in off the pasture yesterday morning had found their way into the barn through another door, desperate to get out of the heat and to the cold water stock tanks. Have to get the shearer in ASAP. This heat wave took us all by surprise. Not two weeks ago we had a killing frost.

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