Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Holiday Weekend

What perfect weather...sunny, breezy and warm. Not too hot to be working outside, hot enough to keep the grass growing. Mia came yesterday afternoon and we spent the evening around the first bonfire of the season. Lots of junk wood collected just for this reason. No moon, sooo many stars collecting around the big black silos looming in the dark, eyes of our doggie family glowing all around us, cold enough to put on bunny mittens and snuggle into our Carhartts. I opened the big bottle of pink Zinfandel Jan brought up last visit. Mia and I sipped all night out of fancy wine glasses I dug out of packing in the tractor shed. We stayed up chatting and laughing until we couldn't hold our eyes open any longer. I went off to bed, Mia stayed up watching movies. Chores all day - putting up electric fencing, pre-permanent fencing - and shearing more goaties. I have some upset bellies and some runny BM's in the flock due to green grass, which is to be expected. Another fire tonight then Mia and I will sleep in the tent Jan gave me when I moved up here - long buried in the shed. Mia threatened to find it so we could sleep out under the stars and darned if she didn't dig it out. Tomorrow, more shearing, fencing, and plans to swim in Beaver Creek. Mia has so many hospital stories to tell and is so much fun I don't want her to leave...but she has to be back on duty Tuesday, as well as this teacher. Life goes on...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Oh so wish that Dave and I had been there to help! And extra glad Mia dug away and found the tent! I thought I'd left it there for you and the grand-babies (don't tell Luke I called him a baby!) to camp out in. So, I'm glad it's out and you, Mia and the kids can have fun and see the stars and sleep right beneath them!

    Bet that little dip in the creek was "refreshing"! Are there blossoms on any of the apple trees in the orchard by the creek? Let me know ....

    Wish I/we were there! Soon ....


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