Sunday, May 25, 2008

Big Boys

Matt decided to release Othello and Horatio. They didn't want to come out of their pen in the barn at first. I felt bad that they were inside so long they didn't want to leave their jail. Now they are happy and romping around the pasture - but they stick together just in case. They are badly in need of hoof trimming but it will take more than three of us to do it. At way over 300 pounds each, they are a bit much to handle...even with Nurse Mia assisting. I will wait for the shearer to come and tip them on their rumps for hoof trimming. In the meantime, they are bathing in sunshine and green grass.


  1. What a stunning pair of boys!!!!
    They look happy out on all the green green grass.
    HUGs to all!

    Kim and crew

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Watch out! Big boys on the hoof!

    So when does the shearer plan to come? Boy, that will be a long, tough day!

    Whew ....


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