Sunday, May 25, 2008

Slip Sliding Down the Stairs

On Friday afternoon I was driving home after work and noticed a sign in front of "Remember When" in New Berlin. The building was a hospital for a long time and many local people were born there. Now it's an antique shop, bed and breakfast inn and a fabulous restaurant. The sign invited people to come in and tour the guest rooms upstairs. I thought what a treat and turned the truck around. I have been curious about the rooms for a while. A waiter greeted me and I told him I was there to see the rooms and climbed the stairs. After wandering around for a while and taking in the quilts, Tiffany lamps, wicker furniture, brass beds, hooked rugs and other period accoutrement, I thought I better get going back to the farm. I put my hand on the rail of the stairs and took a step. My Swedish clog shot out from under me and I went sailing down the stairs on my back. I kept trying to grab something to hold on to and finally got a rung at the bottom of the stairs, or I think I might have crashed into the front door. There I was, rather shaken, collecting myself and trying to stand up, when the door opened and a family came in for dinner. I staggered out the open door for fear of someone figuring out that I just fell down the stairs. I do have my pride. Somehow I crawled in the truck and got myself home. It was a very achey night. Nothing is broken but my old fractured foot got bent back and the ligaments pulled again. I am SO careful all the time at the farm for fear of getting hurt and not being able to do my chores or go to work. Then I fall down the stairs at a local restaurant! I think they are foolish not to have treads, or carpet pieces on the stairs. The wood was a slick as glass. I was glad I didn't sign up to help move the school on Saturday. Matt got me set up at the farmer's market, which was slow as molasses, and I was able to spin a while. The weather was gorgeous, cool and windy. Many admirers of bags, and sniffers of soap, but the Colgate people are gone and the locals are feeling stingey. They ask are you going to be here all summer? I tell them yes, but I secretly know that when the weather is blistering hot and humid I will wilt and start staying home and make stuff for the fall shows instead. Candace the jewelry maker asked for some fiber to spin. She used to work for a woman who made $600 sweater kits and went out of business (can't imagine why) and misses spinning. We'll see what she can do with my wool. Kristin Thomas who hired her to spin for the kits had her making one strand thick and thin bulky on an Ashford. I am used to spinning slightly fine two strand tightly plied yarn, the polar opposite. Can't loosen up if I tried.


  1. I check in on your blog about every other day, glad you are back and sorry you fell down the stairs. In bear mode in my wild mountain valley, seeing them everywhere, extra careful when even opening back door these days.

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Oh my gracious! I do so hope the aches, pains, swelling and pride are feeling much better now! As you know,I am the clutzy and falling down person, not you. Stop horning in on my territory!

    Good to hear you made it to the Farmer's Market. You would have been wondering all day how it was going, if you hadn't gone.

    Hang in there, only about 3 weeks and you're out for the summer!


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