Saturday, March 29, 2008

Set For Life

I woke up this morning thinking about how all three of my kids are now set for life with recession-proof jobs. Whew, what a relief. This precarious economy is just awful. We hear so much about people losing their homes on the news, but rarely do we see their faces. I saw a profile of a family that lost their house and is living in a little trailer outside of town. I can't imagine raising kids out of a trailer but plenty of people do it. AJ will be shopping for a condo in Las Vegas so he can have a place to call his own. He's been living with Eric and Annie, then in an efficiency apt. I know he liked that because there was maid service, just like back home when Mommy came in and picked up all the dirty laundry off the floor. It appeared back in the drawers like magic, all clean and folded up. Eric says you can buy $600k condos for $100k in LV now. I will gladly fly out there and do his laundry, for a few days in Sin City, and time with Hannah and Luke. I don't drink or gamble but I love the glitzy lights and absolutely go wild over the surrounding mountains and desert.

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