Saturday, March 29, 2008

Snowy Spring in Central New York

Winter is hanging on here in the way-back-yonder. Sheep may be grazing on green grass in New Jersey but Central New York will still have snow on the ground. I woke up to a lovely snow yesterday morning. Got the call about the delay, but didn't get the call when they decided to close school. Gretchen, Kelly and my supervisor all tried to get in touch with me, but I couldn't get the computer going and was so frazzled about being late for the delayed opening, I didn't check the voicemail...The empty parking lot was a puzzle, then I went inside and it was quiet. Oh, well, I had an apt with my principal and we were able to talk for a long time about what she wants my job to entail in the future. It was nice to hear she includes me in the "future." The office people have to go to work when it snows (raw deal if you ask me)so there were people to talk to. Gretchen wandered in (such an overachiever she is!) to do some work I was able to do some more of that overdue "special ed" stuff. A nauseous headache (stress?) overwhelmed me and I left around 2 to go into Norwich and pay my mortgage and stop at Tractor Supply for milk replacer and wormer. Made my way home via the post office to pick up a weeks worth of mail. When I am rushing home to the lambs six miles out of the way to pick up mail is too long. The lambs will be growing up and I won't hear screams for milk every time I open the apt. door...can't imagine that now but it will happen, won't it?


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Sorry you missed the calls to stay at home due to schools closing, but, you did say you had a good conversation with you boss! Sounds like another family member has a good "future" in line!

    Spring is on it's way ... hang in there. Soon the green will start popping up in the fields and you all will pour out of your various shelters.

  2. Thanks for being supportive because there is alot going on and that is my mom's noisy friend so who thinks she know's my life and i never wishe my gram or anyone dead except my mom because i'm sick of her drunk but all i can do at this time is smile because i have you to thank for getting me into sheep because thats all i got at this point.thanks!

  3. Even with the hectic day, there was still time to look around and see how beautiful the new snow was. I love the trees covered in fresh snow.


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