Friday, March 28, 2008

Lieutenant AJ

AJ was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army National Guard today. He is now a Chaplain Designate for the State of Nevada. I am so very proud of him. He'll go to Chaplain's basic training this summer and be a full-fledged chaplain in the Army. He won't carry a gun in combat, just a Bible (kind of cool when you think about it). Another soldier (with a gun) will be assigned to protect him. Eric, his brother, himself an Army veteran, was there to pin his officer bars on him. He spoke about how AJ is descended from soldiers who fought in the Colonial Wars, pre-Revolution, and how he is keeping a family tradition alive. Wish I could have been there. Eric, Annie, Hannah and Luke are taking AJ out to dinner at a casino tonight. AJ departs for an Army encampment tomorrow where he will conduct the religious services and keep up morale with movies, games, etc. It will be nice to have a legitimate preacher in the family to perform marriages and burials and what not. I worship in the field and the barn.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    You have every right to feel proud of AJ. What a lovely picture of Eric pinning his officer bars onto AJ. Brother to brother, soldier to soldier ...... Mia must be busting with pride too! Congratulations on raising 2 wonderful sons, and wonderful daughter! Hugs and kisses to all..


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