Saturday, March 15, 2008

March Madness Continues

An old farm covered with snow is like a picture from a Currier and Ives calendar, or a Vermont tourism poster - you know what I mean. A farm on the tail end of winter, with all the snow melted and mud everywhere you turn, is not so picturesque. The tracking-in that all the big feet and little feet make is impossible to keep up with. The sheep are just holding on until spring - me, too. Not that I want the flies back, but I want the green grass back. I talked to Annie and my little grandson, Luke, age 6, this morning. Oh, did my heartstrings tug when I heard his little voice. He asked me if Bodie (my Golden) still drops his ball in the hole where we put the hay down for the sheep. He also asked if I would drive a new kitten to him in my car (all the way to Las Vegas). I wish that I could...Annie tells me Hannah and Luke are coming around July 4 to stay the month of July. Oh, how I am living for July! I'll get my old chest freezer up from the tractor shed and fill it with lime popsicles and microwave mac and cheese! Bon fires! Fireworks! Burned marshmallows! Flashlights in the dark! Ghost hunting in the hay mow (actually, there are real ghosts here - I keep waiting for Lydia to reveal herself to me!) Poor Matt is down with a flu-like syndrome and all I had to give him was Hannah's old allergy medicine from last summer. It must have worked - he is snoring on the couch instead of gurgling and coughing. I am doing the chores. Took me two hours to get hay out, carry water to the boys, feed the rabbits and do the bottle babies. I am desperately trying to get pictures posted on my Etsy store, but no matter how I upload them, Etsy says they are too big. Annie suggested I try emailing the pics to myself and letting the computer make them smaller. I did that - still too big. I tried changing my camera settings and screwed them all up. My blog likes big pictures, but not Etsy. Have to move all this beautiful roving I have left over from the last two years to make room for all the fiber on the hoof out in the barn. If any of you smarty pants have suggestions about how to resize photos, please, please chime in! Thank you, Friends!


  1. What if you load them onto Flickr first and then trnsfer them to Etsy from there? I think Flickr gives you options for smaller photos. Or you might use your photo editing software to crop the photos?

  2. Oh yes lime popsicles and mac and cheese -my kids are asking if they can live there (laugh) They are always asking about Java's "other mom" and what she is doing on the farm :)
    Kim and crew!


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