Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Laticia!

Today is a very special day. Laticia is here to celebrate another birthday. I met Laticia when I was going through a difficult time. I spent my first winter here on the farm in a 14 foot travel trailer, with seven dogs, two space heaters and a sofa/cot. Matt had to go back to NJ to find work, and I went to my teaching job at BOCES in Norwich every day. Coming home to that trailer, after seven dogs were locked in there all day, was not pleasant. It was rocking back and forth when I pulled in the driveway. The milk room was my "office" with a computer, sink and stock tank for a "Saturday Night Special." I rented a port-0-potty, which made getting up on cold mornings a very unique experience. Come December, the rental company took it away and I used my camp potty (that required emptying every weekend.) The barn, even though there were sheep in there, was rather cavernous and very dark. I was always looking over my shoulder for the ghosts I was told lingered here. I would try to get my chores done early, then lock myself in the trailer with the dogs. The dogs tried to chew their way out of the trailer, leaving a bare metal spot next to the cot. I woke up one morning with my hair frozen to the wall of the trailer. I had spent all my money to buy the farm (what else is new?) and the construction business was going down in NJ. As always, the sheep were hungry and I used what currency I had to make money to feed them - my spinning wheels. Laticia came out of the blue and bought my two spinning wheels. But she did something that made me feel I had done the right thing by moving to "Upstate New York." Laticia offered to hold my wheels until I could buy them back from her - which I did not a year later. Can you imagine? I am still overwhelmed when I think of it. Well, Laticia got some bad news a few months ago. She had cancer of the thyroid that had spread into her lymph system. Her vast world of friends and family were in shock...and her battle was complicated by having no health insurance! Laticia got into high gear and got herself all the tests and required surgery. At this time she is on the mend, in good spirits, and whispering very gently to save her wounded throat. Good thing she is the FASTEST typist on the East Coast, along with the mistress of many crafts, including soap and fiber. Laticia - I'm so proud to know you and call you my friend! May you live happily and healthily ever after! Happy Birthday! Someday I will sing it to you in Swedish (You Tube?)

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