Thursday, March 13, 2008

Goodbye Tink

Last night I finally got my Premier Bottle Bucket ready to hang. I filled all the little holes in the teats with plumber's putty so they wouldn't leak. I experimented with mixing larger amounts for the bucket to save time. Mixing one bottle at a time for a total of nine lambs is very time consuming. I was hoping this would help get me out the door to work quicker in the morning. Well, the lambs took to it just fine, sucking away on the teats attached to the hanging bucket. I was very relieved. I left the bucket hanging while I did my chores, then took it back in the house when I was finished. I suspect little Tinky drank too much and was bloated. She had fresh hay and cracked corn in the pen to eat, but Tink loved her milk. When Matt found her dead this morning her belly was very swollen. We are heartbroken, as she was our only ewe lamb in the house and we became very attached to her. I'm so awfully tired of this lamb drama and being responsible for all these lives is very draining. I wish I could say getting away to my job every day is a relief, but there is drama there on a daily basis. I had hoped Jan would get up here and help a little on a weekend, or at least to see how pretty her land looked in the snow, but she is concerned about the miles on her leased cars. Mia is busy with her two nursing jobs and can't get away. So there's no relief. Nathan is coming to help me this summer. He was my helper before I moved here. He might have to bring his little flock with him, but he has a truck and a trailer, and it's not too far. He can't come too soon for me.


  1. So very hard to lose any of our 4 legged friends.

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I am so sorry about your lamb! Totally sucks when you lose the babies (or the mamas, or your old ewe friends.) The winters in your area are just so long and hard. Don't let it get you down. Spring WILL eventually come. Hugs and warm thoughts from KY.

  3. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I'm/ so sorry for you and for Tink. I know she's missed by both her 4 and 2 legged friends. Dave and I are planning to come up Thursday, the 27th. Maybe there will still be snow for us to trudge through. I really want to see the creek/stream and the cemetery (sounds weird to some of you readers, but I can't wait to restore the resting place of the original farmers). Hang in there sweety ------- we're comin'. That will be so great to have Nathan there this summer too! He will so enjoy being with you, Matt and the flocks! See, the calvary will be arriving soon!

  4. BIG HUGS Maggie!! Be glad she brought light and laughter to your life if only for a short time and know that Breeze is standing on the other side ready to be "big brother". And there is a border collie standing there looking at her and say "I don't herd sheep-wanna come play in the grass with me"

  5. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Sorry about Tink. Yesterday was a tough day for us too. We lost a ewe and a lamb in separate incidents.


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