Friday, March 28, 2008

Don't Ever Turn Your Back on a Ram

I should have known better. Horatio gave me a "high five" last night. I was carrying a bucket of corn out to the creep feeder. That's a pen only the lambs can get into so they grow big and strong like their moms and dad. I thought I could sneak behind Horatio, who was munching on the bale I just threw down to him. He's usually a real pussycat and comes up to me for a nose scratching. Sheep can see about 340 degrees around and he saw what I was doing. Bam! I was propelled forward. The last time that happened I heard a POP and my leg was broken, only it was Bodie, my Golden Retriever puppy, not a ram. Most of my ram incidents came from the front. Rams spot you, then put their heads down and charge. At that moment you can jump out of the way and the ram will sail past you - but I was never that quick. I knew a nasty old lady shepherd who was knocked down by her ram, and he kept butting her every time she got up. I guess he waited for his chance and got her.


  1. Oh my gosh -are you okay??? Bad boy!!! Sending over HUGS and wishes!
    Kim and crew

  2. Thanks, Kim! I'm fine! It did take me by surprise, but I scrambled up a wooden stanchion and Horatio occupied himself with the bucket of corn I dropped. He's just so cute I can't get too mad at him...and he is Hecky's best friend. Hecky is the white goat in the picture.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I am so glad you're okay! My gracious, but your heart took a huge leap while your legs were doing the same! Did you have a conversation with Horatio regarding his rude behavior? I hope so, friend of Hecky or not, rude is rude! Give his a nose scratch for me when you do have that conversation ..


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