Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is It Friday Yet?

Somebody shoot me - again. I spent the day at the computer writing IEP's for the students assigned to me. Not nearly done. My fault, I should have started weeks ago but I had all the excuses - moved to my new office, computer not set up yet, no phone, ALS (naughty) kids spending time out in my office, on and on. Now I am in BIG trouble with my boss and have to get cracking. Got five kids interviewed for their "Level One Assessments," four pages with annoying redundant questions about how they are doing in school and what they intend to do with the rest of their lives. I confess that part was kind of fun. One kid who is the worst behaved kid in the whole school (or one of them) was willing to sit with me and tell me ALL about his future career as a hip-hop artist. It was adorable. This kid makes CD's of his music and sells them in the parking lot of the local grocery store. He sings and people come over and check him out - then he hustles his CD's. Another one believes he is a heavy metal musician with his own travelling seven man band and a big record company contract. He even played his fantasy band's music on my computer for me and pointed out his parts. His wife and baby wait patiently for him to come home from road shows. I was mesmerized, and really concerned at the same time. All I can do is try to get him the help he needs educationally. I am not a social worker. I totally understand the desperation that drives one to create a fantasy life. Mine was sheep and I got my flock (at what price my sanity and well-being?)

1 comment:

  1. NOW it's Friday and your work week is almost over. Take heart! Saturday's just around the corner and you can breath the fresh air again. The kids at your house are much less mentally complicated.


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