Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lucky Ladybug

I've been finding ladybugs around the apartment my bed, on the computer table. I'm hoping they are trying to tell me something - either spring is near or good things are in store. I'm meeting some really neat people with my Adopt A Lamb program. The bottle babies are nibbling on hay and corn. Pretty soon I will reduce to one milk feeding a day. Green grass would help but that won't happen for a while. I heard a sad report on PBS radio driving to work. A horse rescue operation in Georgia is trying to keep afloat, with hay $9.00 a bale and people letting their horses loose because they can't afford to keep them. The drought in the Southeast is expected to continue this summer despite ample spring rains. Once again I have to count my blessings, for Central New York will have hay this summer - God willing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, we've been there and done that with the drought. It's still lingering here and grass hay is still at $6-8 a bale. Somehow we all keep on keeping on. Four years ago, we had to ship in hay from Missouri to have any at all. I think we got 1/2 inch of rain that year.


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