Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Would Rather Be Playing with Hannah in Las Vegas

Matt made me promise to mop the floor. Ofcourse I said yes, as he was leaving for his first day of his new job (finally) and I had to agree to his parting wish. Yuck, what a drag. Not my idea of a vacation. The pretty pine floor is the worst floor to keep clean I have EVER had, and with all these dogs and lambs, and our boots, it's filthy. I used to be the clean queen, but gave that up when I started school. I had to, or no Master's Degree. My kids were great about it, as long as I cooked and washed their clothes they were happy (they were really easy, wonderful kids). Now I hate to clean. I put my favorite opera channel on - the screaming angst fits my mood just fine. I told Matt that most people retire after doing something for 30 years or so, and I have retired from cleaning. He is very blue-collar about things like this. A woman cooks, cleans, brings home a pay-check, and basically keeps her man happy. But I still hate to clean. Izzy is very upset and is perched on the top of the chair, his eyes darting back and forth with the mop. I had to move Tink, Winky and Pinky, and the little unamed baby goat, out to my future work room adjacent to the apt. to mop the floor. They were very unhappy at first but are now romping around exploring. I will keep them there until they go out into the real barn with the other sheep. That will be a shock but it has to be done...and so does this floor, so back to the mop and bucket I go.


  1. Oh, I can so relate. If you could see my floor.....pretty soon I could do a harvest on it. I am afraid to vacuum because the rug might be a different color after I am finished.....My house is 2800sq ft...and it is just me so....I say, when it gets done, it gets done.....

  2. If you are like me you would rather go outside and play with the goaties!! That's so much more important!

  3. You are so right......I love just sitting with them....sometimes I sit on the ground and they all lay down around me.....those are, for me, the most peaceful of times.


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