Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh, That Harris Tweed

Matt is off to his "green" job, giving back to society by warming the homes of the elderly, disabled and poor. The Salvation Army Harris Tweed looked oh, so good on him. I found the perfect sweater in Chez Tractor Shed to fit under it. He wore the appropriate outfit for a shepherd going to the office. Yes, Wool is the Mother of All Fibers. There's a driving snow coming down and it's cold out there. I've got so much to do to get ready for Mia's visit tomorrow. She's driving up in her new Hyundai. We'll go out to Frank's Pizzeria for her birthday - the "happening" place in New Berlin. I'm working on a special surprise for her, which will take every spare minute from now until she arrives...

1 comment:

  1. mommie! just relax on your vacation please!!! you don't need to do anything for me!


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