Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh, Hill

Hillary stomped in Wisconsin? I'm disappointed. America is wounded but seems to have survived George Bush. Maybe she will survive Barack. We'll see. Matt likes his job and they like him. It's shaping up to be a dream job, with a company car, credit card, lap top (with big screen portal at his desk) and technical training he can really use. They told him yesterday he beat an engineer for the position but that guy had no people skills. Matt definitely has people skills, and a PhD in construction experience. Time will tell. He's not used to sitting at a desk and the relaxed atmosphere. I told him welcome to the world of using your head not your back. He will have to travel, including the Bronx, to do training. I know he won't like that. I might look into hiring a local kid to come every night to help me with chores. Tink, Winky, Pinky and Lincoln (baby goat) are doing well in the workroom. There is plywood covering the trench that held the gutter track, where cow manure was railroaded out of the barn. I hear the little ones running up and down the plywood - they like the feel of it under their hooves, and the sound it makes. Does my heart good to see them growing and so happy...with all the hard work and mixing of lamb milk replacer every time I turn around, it's a big relief to see them thriving. The apt. floor looks nice and clean after mopping and might stay that way a little longer without them in here. Nurse Mia is coming tonight so we can celebrate her birthday. Her twin is somewhere in Nevada doing Army things and we miss him. Snow is also coming and I'm worried about her driving...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Oh it is so wonderful to hear Matt is liking his job (at least in day 1, and I expect he'll continue!) And then seeing and hearing the little bottle babies joining together and romping. What a lovely sound it must make. And for Mia making it through the snow? Momma worry-wart, this is Mia you're talking about! She'd make it if she had to hike, dragging her new car behind her in a white-out blizzard! Enjoy her birthday and toast to AJ, doing what he wants to do. Birthday hugs to Mia from Dave and me!

    of course, hugs to you too :)


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