Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Single Digits

It's still snowing, although now it's that pretty little Lake Effect snow we get here in upstate New York. Temps are dipping into single digits tonight, maybe negative digits. Glad I don't have newborns coming into the world. Now I just have to worry about keeping the babies I have alive. I have another bottle baby - a little wether who probably was not getting enough milk from his mother. He was curled up and stiff in the barn last night. Brought him into the apt. and laid him out on a doggie rug. He was too weak to raise his head but could swallow when I gave him a warm bottle and sheep Nutri-Drench. I was afraid he was too dehydrated to bring back, but when I got up to check on him at 2:30 his head was up. He's standing now, looking dazed, but he did nibble on the hay I keep out for the bottle babies living in the work room. My Premier hanging milk bucket arrived with six Pritchard teats. It's quite a piece of equipment. I have to make sure that it holds milk without leaking, and that I hang it at the right height. I wonder if the lambies will be smart enough to suck on the teats without their human (me) holding a bottle. It might take some practice to help them get the idea. I am hoping I can go through a day of work without obsessing about my lambs at home with empty tummies, calling for their Person to come out with the baboos.


  1. Oohh...I hope the babies like the milk bucket! That will save you some time....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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