Thursday, February 28, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside

I took the dogs up the hill after work and didn't get very far. I'm usually pretty good about the cold, but I sometimes my blood just isn't getting to the right places I think. It wasn't the walk the doggies are used to, but they appreciated the chance to play with their Woman. Finn and Knut take turns standing next to me and growling viciously (they are always playing macho games)at the other one who is kept at a distance. They are amazingly immune to the cold. That doggie undercoat is one of the warmest fibers on earth. The only time they get freaky and want to come inside is when the wind is blowing hard and a storm is raging. I bring them in the work room when that happens. Thor might not like his brothers in HIS area - where the sheep are. I turned to look back at the barn. I love when the snow is on the roof. When it warms slightly it's very dangerous to stand next to the barn - you could be hit by an avalanche of ice sliding off. The dogs and cats know the sound well and get out of the way quickly. It's about 6 F. outside right now and getting colder. The stars are lovely tonight. Sorry - you got two each of my pictures...I guess I am more tired than I realized. Better do a barn check and get myself to bed.


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Double pictures just means double the opportunity for us to see the beauty and peaceful vista.

  2. Beautiful, but I agree about the cold! I've been trying to email you and haven't heard back; about web page and about a wonderful package I received this week. What a lovely surprise! The bag is amazing!


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